To Our Vegan Family

Can we all just get along? Yes! Yes, we certainly can!

Someone asked if we are against vegans. The answer to that is “absolutely not!”. We aren’t against any person or any other living creature/thing. Nothing that we teach is a personal attack on anyone, even if something we’ve said isn’t in alignment with what someone else thinks/feels; even if it makes them angry. In that case, there is a difference of opinion, not hate toward another person or group. We are about love toward others, and about spreading awareness in that love. We never have intention of angering people, but we also know that we cannot control how others choose to respond to our messages. We can only hope that the message is well received.

We speak from experience and in-depth, high quality research. We have come to know the significant challenges of getting optimal nutrition, not just adequate, with a plant-based diet. Rebel House’s own Ashara Inaya, is well-versed in all things vegan. She was a staunch vegan herself, after all. She created numerous delicious vegan recipes over time, attempting to cover all of the nutritional bases without consuming synthetic, refined, and overly processed products/supplements. In her mind, being vegan was best for the human body, and she should be able to have optimal health relying on whole foods, but then she came to accept an inconvenient truth.

She struggled within herself; with the possibility of having to walk away from the ideology that she had come to accept and vehemently promote. Yet, she couldn’t deny that she and her family were suffering little by little the longer she chose to hold on to her ideas. She began to make significant efforts to find out why veganism seemed so contrary to the health of her household. During her search, she truly hoped that she’d find a better way to be vegan, and perhaps she’d just been doing something wrong. She started to see that neither sound science nor nature itself were in agreement with her ideals.

Ashara dived further and deeper into research, seeking to know the whats and whys about the situation. After years of research into the physiology and biochemistry of humans (and other animals) and plants, she came to realize that when it comes to giving the body what it needs, we cannot afford to allow our emotions to take precedence, and that nutrient optimization must be the focus.

We know that there are many people who develop significant nutritional deficiencies, both meat-eating and plant-based individuals. We know that many of these people look really good, and even compete very well in some sport or another. However, we also know that looks, and feelings, can be deceiving. Our research and experience has shown us that

Unfortunately, no matter how many body-building, good-looking vegans there may be, these outward physical things tell us little about the overall health of the person. We know that the amino acid ratios of plant-based foods high in protein isn’t optimal for humans or most other mammals, even herbivores. We know that the copper/zinc absorption ratios aren’t at all optimal, and that the high levels of phytates in a plant-based diet lead to significant mineral deficits. This is the case for even the most staunch, clean-eating, whole-foodist vegans.

We also know that there many meat-eaters who look great, fit, healthy yet eat tons grains and other seed foods, especially those that are refined, as well as refined sugar, salt, and completely unnatural additives in highly processed foods, while often failing to consume sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables. However, we know that cutting the refined and unnatural foods out of the diet, while consuming less seed foods and much more fruits, veggies, and whole-foods, in general, lead to healthy outcomes with far better nutrition profiles.

We’ve frequently heard vegan bloggers, lecturers, and YouTubers say “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”. This is precisely the stance we take regarding relying solely on plants for food and primarily using the seeds of plants for protein. We’ve come to understand that It’s not something that humans should do, despite the fact that they can. As for plant seeds (seeds/nuts, grains, beans/legumes) as primary sources of protein, it’s even been shown time and again to be nutritionally detrimental to many herbivores. We cannot deny this. We must do the best that we know how.

There are so many things that we’ve heard/read in favor of veganism and in opposition to consuming animal products. Although we can’t address them all at once, we’re pretty sure that we’ve heard it all, including the often stated “you weren’t doing it right” in response to people sharing their struggle with realizing that veganism was detrimental to their health, no matter how they tried to “do it better” or “right”. We have had numerous consultations with people who were frustrated and scared for themselves and children who had begun to display negative effects of a vegan diet.

We’re not against vegans. We’re very much for nature, which is something that we have in common, we just have a different perspective. We have worked, and continue to work, to fully understand what it means to be pro nature, while developing more of an intimate relationship with it. We don’t want conflict with others about it. We want to spread love, peace, and understanding. We don’t find that a vegan diet agrees with human nature (human physiology and biochemistry), but that doesn’t mean we don’t like or respect those who practice veganism. We are all about loving ourselves, our planet, and each other. We all do the best we know how and the best we can. We can agree to disagree, and be respectful of one another, in love.

More about us:
This is a wellness company that wants to see more urban farmers, including those raising goats, chickens, and other animals with kindness. We want to see more support for small/family farms that already grow plant foods and raise animals with kindness, in sustainable ways. We want to see more grazing cattle and free-running birds. We want less harsh chemicals to be sprayed that negatively impact the plants, local wildlife, and humans.

While we may differ in understanding, Rebel House is all about helping others to step outside of boxes and gain greater insight for beneficial change. We’re committed to promoting better practices and more knowledge, and we’re open to sharing what we know with all who desire to know more.

Rebel Well!

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