Rebel House 101: Respect The Circle Of Life

Our nutritional requirements are necessities, not suggestions. There are folks who may have a hard time dealing with the fact that we must take the life of another to live, but it is an unchangeable truth. Despite claims by some to contrary, no one is horrible for accepting this truth or for trying to eat optimally. The truth is that all relies on all else. Even plants rely heavily on other plants (living and dead) and on bugs, worms, and animals (living and dead).  This is true for all plants, not just carnivorous plants that trap and digest insects and small animals. Every plant needs the feces of an animal/insect, or the flesh of one (either living or dead). This is very important to understand. Process it and accept it. Nothing we think will change it. It has always been, and it always will be. Therefore, there’s really no such thing as a plant-based diet. Attempting to avoid eating animals only brings us problems. Humans have always been omnivores, and have always depended on bugs, worms, and/or animals for food. This isn’t a bad thing. It just is.

Misconceptions Create Confusion
There are many arguments being made against eating meat. Some people claim that there’s no need to eat meat in order to obtain sufficient amounts of zinc, iron, vitamin B12, protein, or various other nutrients. It has also been said that humans can obtain nutrients the same way that a cow or various other herbivores can. The common statement is “Why do you need to eat beef to get protein? The cow didn’t eat another animal to get its protein”. Statements such as these are mostly emotional and confuse people over something that is very simple. Cows most certainly don’t attempt to gain the protein needed from seeds (grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans), as some humans do, despite the fact that far too many farms insist on feeding them these things in large amounts. Neither elephants nor rhinos attempt to do any such thing either. This is actually harmful to the health of these animals, as well as to humans. Yet, I recently heard someone suggest that because some of the largest animals are herbivores then humans should eat like those animals do. Interestingly, I’ve never seen any human subsist on grass, twigs, or tree bark, and we definitely don’t eat for 16-18 hours a day.
One thing that must be observed about the cow, or any other herbivore, is the great difference in the digestive systems and gut microbiota (natural bacteria) when compared to that of birds, squirrels, or humans. These are things that help these animals extract nutrients, from specific foods, that we cannot. Additionally, we shouldn’t dismiss the lifestyle of a cow in our assessment. It eats about 24 pounds of food daily and spends most of its day relaxing. Not only does the average person not have the ability to graze for most of the day, but we also don’t have the majority of the day to relax. Even if we did digest and metabolize food the same way, this difference alone would create additional requirements for people.
Recently, it was said by a popular individual in the vegan community, that because only plants synthesize amino acids (the building blocks of protein) then plants are the absolute best source of protein. However, many vegans actually seek to obtain sufficient protein from the plant’s seed which is not yet a plant, but rather the encasement that holds the nutritional housing intended for a growing plant embryo. Unfortunately, the amino acids in seeds aren’t well balanced for humans. For example, the arginine content in them is far too high compared to the lysine content. This alone has significant negative consequences for people, although it’s often unrecognized.
Additionally, due to one of a seed’s mechanisms for survival, a seed doesn’t begin to slowly release various minerals until it is germinated. Only animals that are able to produce phytase can access the magnesium, calcium, zinc, and other important nutrients when consuming seeds (including grains, nuts, beans, and legumes). Humans don’t produce phytase, and therefore must prepare the seed in a certain way in order to force it to release some of the nutrition. Not only that, but the same enzyme that prevents the release and bioavailability of these nutrients, can bind to important minerals in other foods eaten along with the seeds, causing those nutrients to also become unavailable to us. This is what some are touting as a superior food for humans? There’s a clear problem here.
The Fact Is
No matter how uncomfortable we may be with the fact that every creature relies on some other creature (living or dead) for continuation of life, it is the circle of life and we can’t change it, but we can bring unnecessary harm to ourselves in trying. There are many things that are very much worthwhile, such as growing and raising our own food humanely, purchasing foods that are produced humanely as best we can, and attempting to change agriculture laws/regulation for better housing, feeding, and slaughter practices for livestock, as well as disallowing GMO foods and harsh chemicals for crops (which negatively effect humans and kill a variety of bugs, worms, and plants daily). Additionally, it’s important to understand that all life is precious, including plant life. Understanding this makes one all the more grateful when it is time to eat whatever she or he will take the life force from in order to extend her or his own, plant or animal.
This isn’t intended to offend anyone. This is only intended to help those who may be confused to see things from another perspective. I also hope to all who read this to begin to understand the fact that humans are omnivores and very much need meat/fish for an optimized life. We don’t have to accept facts or live by them. We can attempt to find any and all information that helps us to continue on with our current frame of thinking. No matter what we do, no matter who else we find in agreement with us, no matter how many perceived or actualized benefits there are from whatever we currently believe, facts remain facts and consequences of our lack of acceptance will occur sooner or later. I know this all too well, and I hope to help others to avoid or minimize problems. I know that people do what they think is best, but lack of information and/or decision making based in emotion can lead to disaster. Like I did, you can rebel against misconceptions, but you first have to be willing to accept the possibility of having been wrong.
You have a long life ahead you. I want to help you to optimize it so that you can rebel well!

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