Rebel House 101: Natural Cleaning

So many cleansers on store shelves are harsh on your skin or lungs. Natural things like vinegar, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide can be very good cleansing agents.

A recipe for a natural cleanser that I have used for years, including for my bathroom, is:

1 cup distilled vinegar
1 cup rubbing alcohol
2 drops cloves essential oil
2 drops cinnamon essential oil
2 drops of liquid castile soap (optional. Dr. Bronners is what I use)

*You can’t use this to clean:
-any natural stone countertops/floors like granite or marble
-wood (including hardwood floors and wood furniture)
-egg-based messes

A good natural option for dishwasher detergent, that I slightly adapted from, by writer Suzy Strutner) is:

-3 tbsp baking soda
-1 tbsp white/refined salt
-3 drops castile soap or coconut oil based non-toxic dish soap (Dr. Bronners is what I use)
-Fill your rinse-aid container with distilled white vinegar

I have long been using a simple solution of water and essential oils to freshen up a room. I use a small spray bottle with 1 cup of distilled water to which I add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of rosemary essential oil. You can even use this as a pre-poo (not pre-shampoo, lol) by spraying it into the toilet (about 2-3 sprays) before you sit down to poo. It will help to greatly reduce the strong smell. Once you flush, you can spray the solution into the air, and you’ll leave behind a much better scent.

For really harsh smells, the addition of distilled white vinegar can be helpful. Don’t use this on upholstery or carpeting. For that purpose only use distilled white vinegar and water (I use it 50/50).

This isn’t exactly a cleaning item, but we often feel that our home is cleaner when it smells great. So, I’m including this recipe here:

-2 tbsp beeswax
-1/2 cup refined coconut oil
-90-100 drops of an essential oil or blend of your choice (I like to use 50/50 lavender and rosemary)
a silicone mold

*you can use unrefined coconut oil, but it’s more pricey and not necessary

In a saucepan, melt the wax and coconut oil. Add the essential oils. Stir. Pour into silicone mold, using a container with a pour spout. You can leave these on the counter to become solid, or freeze them to get them to solidify faster.

To eliminate many odors, including urine, simply use distilled white vinegar and water (I use it 50/50)

Distilled white vinegar makes a great window/glass cleaner. Use at 100%, undiluted, strength.

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