Grain-Free Crunchy Bits No-Cereal Recipe

This tasty meal option is better than just grain-free. It’s also nut-free, seed-free, legume-free, and bean-free. This recipe is so simple that your child can probably make it. It uses plantain chips, which provide a great crunch and mild flavor. You can make the bits as small, or as large, as you’d like. I prefer smaller bits, as I think it gives a better overall end result. This recipe does contain sugar, but it’s nothing like the sugary breakfast cereals on store shelves. Unlike those, this contains sugar that is nutrient-rich. The same goes for the salt.

I love to add a variety of fruits to this cereal. Sliced bananas, blueberries, strawberries, mangoes, etc. You can also add a chewy element by including sugar-free dried fruits like raisins, cranberry, mangos, and pieces of apricots or medjool dates. Give it a bit more crunch with crunchy apple chips or banana chips. There are so many ways to enjoy this, and all of them are healthful!


  • 6 oz plantain chips (about 1 1/2 cups)
  • 1/3 cup sucanat sugar (or 1/2 if preferred)
  • 3 tbsp organic butter
  • 1/4 tsp unrefined sea salt (Redmond Realsalt is what I use)

Melt butter in a small saucepan. In a mixing bowl, add all other ingredients. Stir. Add butter. Stir. That’s it! Pour some into a bowl, and enjoy!

Makes 2-3 servings.

The plantain chips I use are Trader Joe’s. They’re cheaper in-store, but you can order here, if you don’t have a store near you. There are other plantain chip options online or at stores like Whole Foods. I’ve never used them, but they should give similar results.

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