Couple’s Meditation: Building Each Other Up, One Spiritual Experience at a Time

When seeking to improve a relationship, many things are considered, but spiritual relationship enhancement is something that often goes unexplored.

Those who do seek to better their relationship through spiritual means, often do so with prayer. Although prayer is great and, the phrase “couple’s who pray together, stay together” is gaining popularity in certain circles, there’s another spiritual practice that can be just as beneficial.

Prayer, in essence, is like making a request of, making a declaration to, or giving praise to the creator or a certain spiritual force. Prayer is slightly different from meditation, which is more about attraction or receiving, or even just about being and oneness, and becoming more spiritually in tune with nature.

When taking this type of spiritual journey with your partner, you may learn many unexpected things, and open up several new doors in your marriage. Intimacy may be enhanced, and your understanding increased. Meditating together, can help you to develop a different, special, more beautiful and stronger bond. It’s a great way to energize your relationship, and an opportunity for you to spend time together in a completely new way.

Due to the beneficial possibilities, I strongly encourage married couples to do this spiritual exercise together. It doesn’t have to be anything major. It can be really simple to start with, and as uncomplicated as sitting together, in whatever position is comfortable, facing each other, and/or holding hands, and then both engaging in synchronized deep breathing. Focus on the breaths, and relax. If your mind wanders elsewhere, just bring it back to your breathing.

It’s peaceful, it’s calming, and those are just the immediate benefits, which are great, considering the intense stressors endured by the average person these days. Quite often, when we spend time with our significant other, we are preoccupied, we’re drained, we’re frustrated, or tired. Engaging in meditation together counteracts all of that, and allows you to reap various individual spiritual benefits, along with a myriad of spiritual, emotional, and physical benefits that you will share with your love.

This is a time to revel in the oneness that you have with each other, and to thank and appreciate each other, figuratively and literally. When you conclude your sessions, say thank you to one another and declare your love with the simple statement, I love you. Those of you who give it a try, give it a few days or weeks and comment below, telling us what your experience has been like, and the benefits you notice.

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