7 Benefits Of Cuddling With Your Partner

Human touch has proven to be important to a person’s health. An embrace, or hug, can be even more beneficial, and holding that embrace, or cuddling can maximize benefits experienced. Fragile, premature infants in NICU, who are in cuddle programs, have increased mental development, gain more weight, and are eligible for discharge earlier than babies who aren’t in such programs.

Cuddling isn’t just for infants and children. It’s something very beneficial for everyone, of all ages, and it can be a great relationship enhancing tool that helps you and your partner in so many ways.

Cuddling couples may actually stay together longer and be more satisfied. Cuddling isn’t just an intimate thing, it is also an exchange of trust and companionship, it’s a non-verbal way to say “I’m here for you”, and I enjoy ‘ just being’ with you. It helps to enhance a couple’s closeness, literally and figuratively.

These days, so many folks are constantly busy and stressed out. Cuddle sessions with your mate can help to reduce the stress and comfort each other. You can relax away the issues of the day, body-to-body. Cuddling releases Oxytocin, a hormone involved in not only orgasm, mother-infant bonding, but also empathy, social interaction, generosity, and reduction of stress and depression as it decreases a stress hormone called cortisol.

Releasing more Oxytocin and reducing Cortisol release, you can experience improved sleep. Not only is stress reduced, but certain nutrients become more available to your cells. One such nutrient is magnesium. Magnesium is highly excreted through the kidneys when under stress. Having more available improved ability to fall asleep and to stay asleep and can even relieve restless leg syndrome, which often interferes with a good night’s sleep.

According to some therapists, cuddling can significantly reduce high blood pressure. This can depend on the person, but the cortisol reduction and increase in available magnesium are major factors here also.

Because of its ability to reduce cortisol, cuddling frequently may also inhibit weight gain. Cortisol has been shown to impede weight loss and aid weight gain. Reduction of cortisol can help get stubborn pounds off. Some have also said that cuddling reduces cravings and even addiction. One possible reason for this is that many eat or engaging in drinking and drugs due to stress or depression; stress eating… So reduced stress would potentially minimize cravings.

The longer the foreplay, the better the sex. When cuddling is part of foreplay, just lying together with anticipation and desire, skin-to-skin, deeper breathing, intermittent tightening of the embrace, slight rubbing across the back…, the entire experience can be so much more intense than if you’d begun foreplay with heavy petting of genitals or oral stimulation.

Starting the morning in your partner’s arms helps you to be better prepared for the day ahead. It helps you to start off soothed, and relaxed, and in a great frame of mind, which can help you to better frame, cope with, and respond to the day’s events.

Cuddling is free and easy, and great for both you and your partner. Do it often, do it for each other.

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